Hi, I'm Sarthak Shilwant, an AI Engineer with a B.E. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (CGPA 8.98/10). My passion for innovative problem-solving in AI and blockchain has driven me to achieve notable successes, including:
Best Mona Integration at ETHIndia 2023 ($1000)
Winner of Algorand AlgohackJam 2022 ($1000)
2nd Place at FIL Bangalore 2022 (Valist)
3rd Place in the Swarm Zero Hackathon 2024
Top 10 project at the BNB Smart Chain Hackathon 2024 (My Shell).
These experiences highlight my ability to tackle complex challenges and deliver impactful solutions in both collaborative and competitive settings. I am constantly seeking opportunities to learn, innovate, and push the boundaries of what's possible with AI and blockchain technologies.
Created Various Custom Environments using OpenAIGym and Reinforcement Learning.
Integrated Tensorflow with Unreal Engine.
Deployed various Reinforcement Learning Projects on Unreal Engine