Created on 12th August 2018
On the surface it seems like a small little game where you buy and sell some collectibles, and on some level it is that. But the main aim here is to spread awareness regarding our deteriorating environment and motivate the users to take small but effective steps in order to preserve the environment. Even small tasks, say, planting a tree, watering an existing one among others can go a long way in slowing down the disruptive effects of climate change. The application allows users to buy and trade cryptotrees, the profits from which can then be transfered to another smart contract where it can be donated to various climate preservation organisations.
Implementing the entire cyrptocollectible ecosystem consisting of minting all the way upto trading within the given time span was a huge challenge. Adapting the ERC721 token from open-zeppelin implementation to our use case was another hurdle. And implementing the location based nature of the tokens had us debugging for a large portion of the time.
Technologies used