
Omkar Prabhu

  • Interested in Software Development for Web and Android platform and Systems, specifically exploring blockchains, docker and kubernetes.

  • Building innovating things which make an impact and exploring new domains drives me. Hackathons create an environment where like-minded people come together which helps me develop as a professional and sparks creativity.

  • Name of a challenging project: Secure Aadhaar

  • Overview: A secure digital identification access control platform where each user has control over their identity and its access by others.

  • Technologies: Hyperledger Composer, Express, Angular

  • Source Code:

  • Roadblocks faced: To come up with the entities and their interactions with the application and the blockchain. Also the idea of using a permissioned blockchain which would require a central authority to register users after checking their details which required research to be done after which we decided to use the Hyperledger platform. Also conceiving the idea involved extensive research and consulting people with experience in the field of blockchain to check feasilibilty.



Imagine Pokemon Go, but a whole lot greener, without the fluffy monsters. #BUIDL FOREST motivates you, with the help of cryptotrees, to go out and help the environment off-chain.Vue.js, Leaflet, OpenZeppelin


Content based video indexing engine which analyzes the visual content in the video and builds a searchable index. Place banner advertisements optmially and search through videosDjango, PyTorch, spaCy, SQLite


MEAN stack


  • Goldman Sachs - Summer Analyst
    May 2019 - July 2019
  • IIT Bombay - Summer Intern

    Developed a new task using spotify/luigi to extract the events of a resource click from the web log files of IITBombayX and Data API for the same.
    Developed a Data API for displaying the video timeline and quiz response data.
    Modified the weekly user activity task to include activities of resource access.
    Developed a Data API for displaying the video timeline and quiz response data corresponding to the reflection spot in the video