Created on 28th June 2024
In the dynamic Farcaster Landscape, new brands, clients and players are constantly emerging every day. For users, it is almost impossible to keep track of all these new developments in a uniform and consistent way: where do they come from? who is behind them? where to find their peculiarities? who uses them and for what? which ones are most popular? which ones get the most traction? what happens to them after a week?
BRND is the one-stop playable billboard for brands where any user of the Farcaster Landscape has the possibility to get information about the existing brands, rate their favourite brands, create rankings, sort their brands by use, discover new brands in the ecosystem, find other users rankings, overall rankings (daily, weekly, monthly), share all this with the community and also keep a scoring system to win with their favourite brands while playing in the game of the Farcaster Landscape brands.
This transform the user interaction with brands in the Farcaster Landscape by unifying information securely, enabling community reporting, adding missing details, and fostering discovery and participation through gamification.
The users have a hand on the future of their favourite brands.
With this premise in mind, we have addressed the problem of having reliable sources of information and data to feed the app's data source in an objective way, leaving the user to discover subjectively how he/she wants to relate to the brands, the rest of the users' interactions with their brands and so on.
Regarding the onboarding of users and the gamification and reward system for users through a scoring system supported by a token. We have observed the peculiarity that users have a conscious interest in knowing more about their brands in the ecosystem and therefore we have established a way to play with them to keep them integrated and linking the interests of the user with that of the brands, we believe it is a unique link.
Also, we have understood that this has to be done within a temporary relationship, which must be nurtured, otherwise users' actions would be isolated and temporary, leaving the use of the app sporadic. This is why the game system is reinforced with future dynamics of rewarding constancy.
Not everything within the process occurs onchain. The brands data base will be kept offchain by now. However, the personal scores for the users and the brands, since the will get capture by a token on Base, will be onchain data.
The onchain path is open to eventually cross the info with the user identity if the user decide so through the FID, as their communities or channels. The user will have many ways to share onchain their uses of BRND in any of their chosen corners of the Farcaster Landscape. The possibility of playing for the sake of playing and having fun in a community can also be the option of choice for the user.
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