Bridge AI

Bridge AI

Intent based architecture to seamlessly bridge assets across chains in the fastest and cheapest way possible.

The problem Bridge AI solves

Transacting on the blockchain, usually requires users to first learn about the protocol, connect their wallets on various different frontends, and then know specifically when to initiate certain transactions on these sites.

This makes the entire process slow, less secure and has a high barrier to entry. We aim to fix this with Bridge AI built on Bytekode's sdk and Router.

Users can simply type what they want to achieve, our computation engine quickly computes the transaction objects required and then sends it over to the client for confirmation.

In short, users can just describe their results, and we make the transactions happen.

Challenges we ran into

For supporting bridge transactions, users can convey the action in many different ways -

bridge 10 USDC from a to b
transfer x usdt to b
route x dai to b
send y route to a


These tend to get mixed up with the swap intents to so we had to create separate datasets for the same and then train it.

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
