

A decentralised application allowing bloggers to post their blogs while leveraging the full security, trust and transparency of blockchain.

The problem BlockGpost solves

Today most of the content we know which is available on the internet is not completely liberated its always under the influence of someone or the other, this is not good for the public to trust the information which flows on the internet, also whenever someone posts any exclusive content online it gets easily replicated and circulated to various channels due to which the bounty associated with providing the crucial piece of information gets distributed among those who just copied it and the ones who did all hard work to collect that info are left empty-handed moreover all this content creators have to rely on 3rd party services to get their reward for their hardships of contributing this info.
Due to all such problems, we came up with the idea of BlockGpost, "A decentralised Blogging site", BlockGpost allows you to post your Blogs on our site, we will convert them to NFTs and will immediately make IPFS links available to the public where the data is stored in a decentralised way, once the NFT is created the information is immutable and no one shall tamper with it, nor do anyone else can take credit for the info as it's already been uploaded to the ipfs leveraging full power to the owner of the blog, not only this if you are providing trusted and eyecatching content you will rise in the liked Blogs section and will get rewarded with Router Cross-chain NFTs minted directly to your address, each such NFT will be redeemable for 10 usdc from our crypto pool later.

Challenges we ran into

We initially chose to use for the project's security, but it turned out to be so challenging that it took us around 5 hours to set up the project in accordance with its requirements. After spending a few hours, we decided to try tsx instead of js, which was a new experience for all of us. Later, it became another challenge to code in typescript because we were not that much familiar, so we again gave one hour to research how we could still use javascript
We created the design, however implementing the styles as they are was a difficult issue for us.
However, we needed a command line interface, so we looked for something like jsipfs, which is ipfs for javascript. Setting up the daemon for that was not easy, as we encountered numerous errors where the interface did not start as well as error after error like the port not opening at 5002 while it was mentioned in the desktop app that it would run at that port.
Later, while integrating ipfs because we lacked a library to assist us, we tried 5–6 various api, establishing them, but only 2 of them worked ( and moralis), which also required a lot of time.
We wanted to gift router cross-chain NFTs to most like bloggers on our website, so we deployed router's cross-chain ERC721 contract on Polygon and Ethereum, but minting through was very difficult cause router does not support various testnets for now.
I won't say it was difficult, but we had to read the documentation later on during deployment. Eventually, after many trial and error, we found the right path.

Tracks Applied (6)

Open Track

BlockGpost can be used by all web2 and web3 users due the integration of web3auth

Router Protocol

We have used Router V2s Cross talk Library, especially the cross-chain ERC721 contract to provide cross-chain NFTs to th...Read More

Router Protocol


All the smart contracts including router's cross-chain ERC721 contract has been deployed on both Ethereum and Polygon.



All the Blogs that are been posted on our website and all the gift NFTs are been stored on IPFS using Moralis API, by st...Read More



The project has been deployed on replit.


Scrappy Squirrels

We have developed cross-chain NFTs to be provided to most like bloggers on our website completing SCRAPPY SQUIRRELS NFT ...Read More

Scrappy Squirrels
