
Sumit Kumar

I am a Smart Contract Auditor, primarily focused on Ethereum and a Blockchain Researcher. I have over 10 months of experience in Blockchain, including building and securing blockchain systems. I am Ranked top 120 on Code4rena 2023 leaderboard. I have authored several articles on Ethereum on medium. I love to spread knowledge about smart contracts and Ethereum on X. Additionally, I am a member of one of India's top three cybersecurity groups, InfoSecIITR.
Achieved 3rd rank in Syntax Error Hackathon for Router Protocol track built a decentralized application allowing bloggers to post their blogs while leveraging the full security, trust and transparency of blockchain.
Recently, I have begun researching Zero-Knowledge, specifically zkSync.


To-Do List (Syntax Error)

Our To-Do List App, which will help you to remember which task you have to complete adding a task in it is very simple (just one click)Java, Android Studio, XML, SQLite


A decentralised application allowing bloggers to post their blogs while leveraging the full security, trust and transparency of blockchain.HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Ethereum, Polygon, NFTs, IPFS / Filecoin, Router, solditiy


Revolutionary Crypto backup and recovery system built completely on chain using Zero-KnowledgeMetaMask, Next.js, GraphQL, ethers.js, Figma, Tailwind CSS, Remix (IDE), React.js, Hardhat, Gnosis Safe




  • QuillAudits - Web3 Security 🛡️ - QuillRedTeam
    August 2023 - Present
  • Code4rena - Certified Warden
    April 2023 - Present
  • Sherlock - Watson
    April 2023 - Present
  • CodeHawks - Hawk
    August 2023 - Present