

A Next-Gen NFT Marketplace

The problem Bliss solves

Problem 1: Identity and card credential theft using browser hacks and frauds. Around $66B of monetary loss was witnessed in just 3 years from 2020 to 2023 majorly caused due to compromised card credentials. As a user we mostly save our card details and passwords in browser for easy payment and experience but somewhere down the line risk our safety. Around $881M was washed out due to compromised private keys in 2023 in the Web3 scope. These statistics somehow make us believe that security and convenience cannot co-exist, untill now with Bliss.
Solution 1: To solve this issue both in Web2 and Web3 web based payments, we developed a system where your data will never be stored in any centralized server, database or browser and still provide you with the same seamless experience. We will mint an in-app Stripe NFT card that will have the card details in an encrypted form and stored in IPFS, the encyption key being the users device itself. Using the smart wallet created from the passkey powered by Thirdweb, we will encrypt and decrypt on the users demand using their passkey itself. This eliminates the risk of any hack as the key is the device itself. While payment, the decryption takes place and then the user can easily copy paste their credentials and type out their CVC number. If the CVC is valid the transaction goes through and you pay with Stripe without any Web3 hassle with security. The system is completely decentralized and hence defficult to crack.
Problem 2: In NFT place, there are a variety of users: NFT artists, marketers, economist, finance guys and many more. Currently there is no application that caters these many class of users.
Solution 2: We have an real-time ML model that trains itself with NFTs and their metadatas to identify trends based on trade volume, price change and sentiments. Based on the trends we deliver viral NFTs using generative AI, suggest SEO optimized NFT names and a trendy price to maximize your earning potential.

Challenges we ran into

We had some difficulty on the AI implementation for both price/name suggestion and image generation. The fact that we generate NFT images from a bunch of trending NFTs was an important feature at Bliss. We achieved it successfully after a number of repetations and parameter changes.
We faced some issues with the local Thirdweb engine setup and disconnection in intervals. We couldn't completely fix it but we worked around that and made our application work as expected.

Tracks Applied (4)

Coinbase Smart Wallet

At Bliss we have focused on making it possible to let users' convenience and security co-exist. In Web3 onboarding and p...Read More

Paymaster and Bundler

At Bliss we have focused on making it possible to let users' convenience and security co-exist. In Web3 onboarding and p...Read More

Payments Track

At Bliss we have focused on making it possible to let users' convenience and security co-exist. In Web3 onboarding and p...Read More

PAYMENTS with Stripe

Best MVP of Polygon Cardona

At Bliss we have focused on making it possible to let users' convenience and security co-exist. In Web3 onboarding and p...Read More

