

Empowering wellness, one byte at a time

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The problem BiteByByte solves

Anorexia nervosa is a severe mental health condition characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight, leading to self-imposed severe dietary restrictions and a distorted body image, often resulting in extreme thinness and significant physical and emotional consequences.
Despite advancements in technology and increased awareness related to mental health in India, anorexia nervosa remains a significant mental health challenge among teenagers, exacerbated by the pervasive influence of social media. Teens are inundated with unrealistic body standards, comparison culture, and pro-anorexia content, leading to heightened body dissatisfaction, disordered eating behaviors, and a lack of access to appropriate support systems.
Existing platforms often lack tailored solutions and fail to address the unique needs of teens struggling with anorexia. Therefore, there is a critical need for an innovative and comprehensive wellness app designed to empower teens by providing education, support, and tools for monitoring and managing their recovery journey effectively.

Challenges we ran into

One major problem we faced was obtaining our data and analyzing it for the designing of the meal plan with personalized reccomendations. To solve this issue and make our health monitoring system more efficient for users, we solved this issue through iterative testing and debugging cycles.
