Created on 13th March 2022
Breast cancer is considered to be one of the most common cancers among women in India. According to data published by Globocan in 2018, more than 1.6 lakh new cases and around 87,000 deaths were registered in the country during the year. Medical experts claim that the cancer is generally diagnosed in women when they reach their 30 and tends to spike between 50 and 64 years. Overall, one in 28 women are likely to develop the ailment during their lifetime. Various symptoms of breast cancer include a painless lump in the breast, a sudden change in shape and size of the breast, blood discharge from the nipple, and nipple retraction. While early diagnosis and self-breast examination can increase the chances of successful treatment and cure, lack of awareness and accessibility to healthcare facilities stands as a stumbling block. Most importantly, it is definitely possible to detect breast cancer early - by being alert. Most other cancers cannot be caught early. Therefore, we felt the need to create B.A.E-Breast cancer Awareness and Examine.
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