
Riya Jain

I'm a 3rd year Computer Engineering student. Always a learner and keen to acquire knowledge about new technologies. My area of interests include Web Development and Software Engineering.

I've participated in She Hacks'22- a 36-hours hackathon organized by IIIT Allahabad and bagged second runner-ups prize.
I've also been the Runner-up at the Code for Good hackathon by JP Morgan Chase.

I have worked on various projects like :

• Track-It – Python Flask based web application to make attendance and lecture tracking easier for students.
• BAE – Breast cancer awareness & Examination: ML based breast cancer detector.
• Inventory for an NGO – MERN based inventory system built during the CFG hackathon for St. Judes NGO
• Wish-list app – Angular based application for noting down wish-lists and tasks and
checking them once completed.
• Weather widget– Angular based real time weather info application.
• Quizzlet– E-learning application based on HTML Css JS for taking quizzes.
• Ambient Assistance– Application for the elderly who need constant support and
supervision based on Python.


B.A.E -Breast Cancer Awareness and Examine

#FindToFightjQuery, JavaScript, Flask, Python, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap​

Barter Buddy

Say goodbye to cash, hello to Barter BuddyFirebase, HTML/CSS, Nodejs, React.js


Software Engineering
Web Application Development


  • The Sparks Foundation - Web developer
    August 2022 - October 2022

    Web development internship based on MERN stack. Projects made were Bank Management System.