Aztech Solutions

We offer to solve few of the major issues faced in the post Covid time period, which will prevent the spike of further cases and also help the educators to have a better teaching experience.

The problem Aztech Solutions solves

One of the major cause of the spreading of this virus is contact. What if we take this 'contact' out of the equation? While most of us have to touch to enter a lot of places like doors, elevators etc. We offer a solution to make this touch free. We use a sensor to identify the hand gesture and then to unlock the doors or simply switch a device ON or OFF.
In the Covid era , most of the processes of our dail life was shifted to digital medium. Especially students who attend the lectures in an online medium. This lead to a number of difficulties for the teacging faculty to mark people present as most of the students gave proxied attendance. Having a voice model specific to each student would help in the prevention of this act and would also help promote students to attend lectures.

Challenges we ran into

We had an issue while writing the Digital Signal Processing algorithm . It wasn't able to filter out the noise in the input audio signal. A few issues while making the PCB as we had to make it as compact as possible
