Automated Bill

The Android app uses of Machine Learning Kit to scan items directly and generate bills out of it and share to customers via message, whatsApp or any sort of sharing applications.

Created on 30th October 2021


Automated Bill

The Android app uses of Machine Learning Kit to scan items directly and generate bills out of it and share to customers via message, whatsApp or any sort of sharing applications.

The problem Automated Bill solves

More than 3 Million Trees are cut, 34 Billion Litres of Water and 946 Million Litres of Oil are used to make paper receipts in the world anually. In addition to that 1.8 Billion Kilograms of CO2 is produced, 91 Million Kgs of Solid Waste are generated across the globe.

With so much dependency on paper bills or reciepts, it will cost the future generations in shortage of oxygen, numerous diseases and increased pollution. As we know Paper receipts are ineffective, outdated and hard to track, so the team "oxyR" has decided to come with the solution to generate bills or receipts with the help of Machine Learning Kit by directly scanning the text from the items and processing it fast so that we don't need to rely on old QR Code or Barcode scanning methods which requires a lot of hardware components, setup and manual work and installation. To operate those machines manual labour is required and it is not affordable to hire for the small businness owners or shopkeers.

To overcome all these problems which is paper receipts and old QR code/ barcode scanning methods, we came with the solution to generate bills or receipts with the help of Machine Learning Kit by directly scanning the text from the items.
Objectives of our application-

  1. Scan item's text directly.
  2. Share the bill among the customers digitally.
  3. Previous Bill Tracking
  4. Inventory managment

Challenges we ran into

Challenges we solved

1. Camera Preview
Camera Peview screen was implemented in an activity but adding the items was done through fagments because it was simple to access the viewmodel to fragment. So we integrated those fragments under the CameraView.

2. Nested Table ROOM Database
We wanted to store a table inside a table to store the bill but we couldn't find the solution to do that. So we used Bill no. as a column in the table so that all the items belonging to a particular will have the same bill no. so that when we want to access the bill we can retrieve all the items of that particular bill.

3. Sharing Database's Data to sharing apps
It was not possible to share the data directly so we took screenshot automatically of the view that displayed the data(bill items) and shared those screenshot which made it immutable and to access previous bill we saved those screenshot as Bitmap in the ROOM Database.


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