Arogya-Decentralise Medical Record Storage+DATADAO

Arogya-Decentralise Medical Record Storage+DATADAO

Medical Records stored using FILECOIN With User Ownership, access control and Data DAO features. By utilizing Filecoin's unique features, we aim to create a tamper-proof and transparent storage.

The problem Arogya-Decentralise Medical Record Storage+DATADAO solves

What Can People Use it For:

Users can store their Medical Records with user Ownership, they can give access to preffered people also Users can fix the price and sell the records in our own marketplace. By Default the files are private if users want they can also make it as public.

In case of Emergency (like accident, where user maybe unconscious), the user will have his/her own unique ID, Which allows medical personals to see his/her Age, Name, Blood Group, Allergies, Medications and other public documents.

We allows users to monetize their data by setting a price of their medical records.
This allows users to receive compensation for sharing their data. Additionally, ensuring that they have complete control over their data.

How It Makes Existing Tasks Easier/Safer:

Generally, Hospitals Stores patients medical history and their copies with patients in physical form. It makes difficult to access when needed. Now by using our Software Users can store their medical records online and can give access to preferred people. User can retrieve files easily when they needed.

We ensure the Data Privacy by encrypting the user records and complete authority with users. The data is encrypted and stored on multiple nodes, making it virtually impossible to lose.

User does not need to trust on a specific hospitals or Centralized Server for storing medical records, he can relay on our service, which uses distibuted File Storing Service through Filecoin.

Challenges we ran into

1. Understanding FVM

As there are very limited resources about FVM, Firstly we thought we can upload files into filecoin storage directly through FVM, later we got to know about Storage deals and working of FVM, after knowing this it started making sence about Filecoin Virtual Machine. In this process we got to know about "WAGMI" to Integrate FVM Smart Contracts with FrontEnd.

2. Access Control - How to allow preferred people to access users files.

Till Now, we done with storing the files, but how to give access to preffered people securely without loosing privacy. We thought and tried different ways like encrypting with public key and decrypting with private key of a person to whom user want to give access, but what if user want to give access to 100 different people, for that we need to store 100 different files, this is not a good approach.

Later we tried with Medusa client to encrypt files and giving access to the others but it was not supported.

At last, after trying with different approaches we got about "LightHouse Storage" to encrypt files from the user end and to give access to the people by using their public address.

Tracks Applied (1)

Filecoin Virtual Machine

We are using Filecoin Virtual Machine. We implemented non-transferable token in FVM and store user info in FVM, also we ...Read More

