
Nithin Mengani

Pursuing BTech CSE 2nd year at Bennett University...
Blockchain Enthusiast | Have good experience with bitcoin and ethereum ecosystem also build some cool projects on ethereum blockchain currently exploring solana and polygon.


Digital Identity for your Belongings

Give an Digital ID to your Valuable ItemsBlockchain, Hardhat

Slog . . A decentralized Blog Site using Solana

This is a platform where a writer , influencer , blogger writes a blog ( or research paper) which will turn to nft and he /she can put ads on the blog and the revenue of the blog will go to that ownerReact, Next.js, SolanaSDK

Arogya-Decentralise Medical Record Storage+DATADAO

Medical Records stored using FILECOIN With User Ownership, access control and Data DAO features. By utilizing Filecoin's unique features, we aim to create a tamper-proof and transparent storage.Solidity, Next.js, TypeScript, Hardhat, NFT.Storage, chakraui, IPFS / Filecoin, Wagmi, Filecoin Virtual Machine, LightHouse Storage


A web3 crowdfunding platform that can do GoFundMe style or Kickstarter style campaignsBlockchain


Unleashing Viral Coins for a Better Tomorrow.Solidity, remix, VSCODE, Vite, T3 stack, Aceternity UI


Crowdfunded prizes with credit card transactions on-chainSolidity, AWS, TypeScript, Stripe API, Next JS, Nest JS, Mantine UI, Gasless

