Pursuing BTech CSE 2nd year at Bennett University...
Blockchain Enthusiast | Have good experience with bitcoin and ethereum ecosystem also build some cool projects on ethereum blockchain currently exploring solana and polygon.
Slog . . A decentralized Blog Site using Solana
This is a platform where a writer , influencer , blogger writes a blog ( or research paper) which will turn to nft and he /she can put ads on the blog and the revenue of the blog will go to that ownerReact, Next.js, SolanaSDKArogya-Decentralise Medical Record Storage+DATADAO
Medical Records stored using FILECOIN With User Ownership, access control and Data DAO features. By utilizing Filecoin's unique features, we aim to create a tamper-proof and transparent storage.Solidity, Next.js, TypeScript, Hardhat, NFT.Storage, chakraui, IPFS / Filecoin, Wagmi, Filecoin Virtual Machine, LightHouse StoragePortals
A web3 crowdfunding platform that can do GoFundMe style or Kickstarter style campaignsBlockchainCommeme
Unleashing Viral Coins for a Better Tomorrow.Solidity, remix, VSCODE, Vite, T3 stack, Aceternity UIviaPrize
Crowdfunded prizes with credit card transactions on-chainSolidity, AWS, TypeScript, Stripe API, Next JS, Nest JS, Mantine UI, Gasless