AnbeShivam can be used as a platform for project funding as well as to manage grants programs. Any project which is seeking funds or outreach can get listed on the platform, wherein a project representative can upload a pitch deck and must stake a small amount. This is done so as to avoid spam projects. Now the project can receive votes from the community, where the contributor must invest a minimum amount of 2 CELO. The platform also has a Matching Pool, which involves funds from grants programs and sponsors meant for distribution among the listed projects. The votes and amount accrued in this way will determine the funds matched for the project from the Matching Pool, using a Quadratic Funding Algorithm. This will ensure a democratized way of conducting grants programs, in which the number of contributors has greater emphasis than the size of the individual contributions received by the projects.
The project representative can withdraw their project from the platform at any point of time. By doing so, they will receive the funds donated from the community as well the matched funds. Their initial stake would also be returned at this point.
To further incentivise the community voters/investors, the platform also provides an equivalent amount of GODS tokens for each vote they've casted. Based on the total funds invested, each individual is categorized into 3 tiers of investors, namely Gold, Silver, Bronze. The investor are also eligible to receive AnbeShivam NFTs in accordance with their tier, which also acts as a badge signifying their role as an investor on the AnbeShivam Platform.
We initially faced some difficulty in deploying the contracts to Alfajores Testnet, but it was later resolved after we were advised to use a different version of Truffle. There were a few hurdles while testing the smart contracts and had to be reworked a couple of times to make it functional.