Amazon Trace

Welcome to the Amazon Trace App! We will help you sort out your product reviews.


Amazon Trace

Welcome to the Amazon Trace App! We will help you sort out your product reviews.

The problem Amazon Trace solves

Reviews play a central role in the path to purchase, and many consumers don’t just skim them before purchasing or passing on a product. Some will spend anywhere from a few minutes to more than an hour to make sure they’re making the right choice.
By and large, reviews can make or break a purchase. On one hand, they can get shoppers to spend more than they initially intended to. But a product with a low rating or a small number of reviews can also steer consumers away. Hence, reviews is a major deciding factors for consumers while purchasing a product.
We propose a system where a bot analyzes all reviews of the given product and gives a summary highlighting the key positive and negative aspects of the product. The bot also performs sentiment analysis on the reviews and gives the overall sentiment as positive or negative, thus helping customers choose the right product and make their work easier. Customers can now save their valuable time and it also helps improve the user experience of e-commerce sites.

Challenges I ran into

This was my first Web App development project! Also the first time working with Microsoft Azure Services. Deploying the webapp on Azure was very difficult and had a lot of troubleshooting to do. But me and my team managed to finish the project right on time to submit to the Microsoft Developer League Hackathon 2021!
