Alzheimer's Detector

An end to end Machine learning application to predict the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease by taking the data from MRI reports.

The problem Alzheimer's Detector solves

Alzheimer's is a lethal disease and early detection of the disease is essential for the treatment of the disease. Our detector can be useful in both the healthcare sector as well as individual uses because it reduces the time delay in the analysis of the report.
If an individual has an MRI report, our detector can predict whether that person shows early symptoms of Alzheimer's or not.
Doctors can use this for quick inspection for taking remedial measures.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into roadblocks while building the model, which was affecting the efficiency. We settled on decision tree algorithm for prediction. We were not able to properly preprocess the data for higher efficiency but we got a reliable 75% accuracy. We faced some technical issues while recording, due to lack of time we recorded it using our mobile phone and uploaded it to youtube.
