
Abijith Vasanthakumar

Currently working at People10 as an iOS developer. Loves to tinker with tech and create products that drives solutions and impact. I love working with mobile and web ( full stack ) technologies, while being keen on design foundations.

I have participated and won multiple hackathons, designed and built cool products and moreover, broke and fixed multiple codebases. When I'm not developing/designing, I'll be reading books and articles, listening to music or binge watching anime.


Alzheimer's Detector

An end to end Machine learning application to predict the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease by taking the data from MRI reports.scikit-learn, NumPy, Machine Learning, pandas, Heroku, Matplotlib, Python, Seaborn, Streamlit.io

Bitzy - Crypto Portfolio Manager

Bitzy is an AI-based third-party crypto portfolio manager, which keeps track of your crypto transaction history, provides real-time insights and price prediction to help users in crypto trading.Bootstrap, JavaScript, Flask, scikit-learn, NumPy, Machine Learning, pandas, HTML5, Python, CSS3


Sessions allow you to save chrome tabs as workspaces so that you can declutter your chrome, restore your tabs at any time and save valuable memory in just 2 clicksJS, Git, GitHub, CSS3, Moment.js, Chrome Extension, HTML5​, Local Storage, Manifest 3.0


A productivity tool for saving huge chunks of text as commands.CSS, JavaScript, Regex, manifest, Chrome Extension, HTML5​, Local Storage

DFIR built using Polygon and NFT.Storage

A decentralised FIR system where First Information Report and Evidences are stored on a public IPFS and deployed to Polygon Mumbai Testnet.Solidity, IPFS, Next.js, ethers.js, Ethereum, Filecoin, NFT.Storage, Polygon Mumbai Testnet, Web3.Storage, IPFS / Filecoin


Intentify : A decentralized platform that facilitates seamless matching of financial intents between users, ensuring secure and efficient transactionsNext.js, Polygon, Polygon Mumbai Testnet, Polygon Blockchain, foundry, ERC-20, okto, okto-react-sdk, ERC-7521


Machine Learning
Data Analytics
Web design and development


  • People10 - IOS Developer
    September 2023 - Present