

I'm Mardav Gandhi, a 3rd-year undergrad at the National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, and my enthusiasm for coding and web development drives me to explore exciting new frontiers. In addition to my background in AI/ML and text summarization, I've recently delved into the fascinating world of Blockchain, with a highlight being my participation in the ETHGlobal, ETHOnline Hackathon.

Furthermore, I take pride in my role as a Core Member of the UniDAO program offered by the Devfolio Team. Within this capacity, we actively promote blockchain culture on our campus, conducting weekly sessions for first, second, and third-year students, covering topics such as DeFI, DAOs, IPFS, NFTs, and providing hands-on experience with a project involving NFT minting.

On top of that, I've successfully participated and won in almost 4x hackathons, demonstrating my ability to innovate and excel in competitive tech environments.

During the ETHOnline hackathon, my team and I crafted "Deano," a Decentralized Data Annotation Center. Deano empowers vendors to post jobs (datasets), while annotators can efficiently label datasets, earning incentives for their precision. This system ensures a win-win solution in the blockchain space by fairly rewarding both vendors and annotators for their contributions.

With my extensive expertise in ReactJS, MongoDB, and my proficiency in AI/ML, encompassing NLP and text summarization, I am well-prepared to tackle complex challenges. I've also had the privilege of securing the 2nd prize at the Warpspeed Gen AI Hackathon '23 with the creation of, a tool for generating captivating comic PDFs from obscure texts.

As I continue to broaden my skill set and knowledge, I eagerly anticipate connecting and exploring opportunities for collaborative innovation. Please don't hesitate to reach out, and let's embark on a journey to create something remarkable together. 🚀


Transforming dull text into comic adventures!Next.js, Flask, OpenAi, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Tailwind CSS, Replit, Stable Diffusion


Empowering farmers with comprehensive solutionsSolidity, Next.js, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Python, Tailwind CSS, FastAPI, Filecoin, torch, zkml

Voice To Help

Automate ticket creation with Voice To Help Snap-in. Identify and resolve customer issues from Google Play, Twitter, and Reddit data.React, Flask, pandas, YAML, Python, GitHub, OpenAi, FastAPI


Unlocking Knowledge Efficiency: Notimiser, the smart web app that summarizes texts and enhances learning.Firebase, Flask, Figma, Tailwind CSS, React.js

Automate Codebase to DocumentationFastAPI, Ml, nextjs, GPT-3.5, CodeBERT


Shaping the world with Decentralised Annotations!IPFS, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Ether, Web3.Storage, TableLand, Sismo, Xmtp

