
Ankit Pal

I am an enthusiastic developer with experience building web applications. Recently i got to know about web3.0 and decentralized applications and this piqued my curiosity. As i dug deeper i found out about NFTs and how they can potentially be revolutionary. you can check out my github for some web projects that i have done previously below:

Some projects that i have made include:



Democratizing revenue streams for content creatorsIPFS, TypeScript, MongoDB, nextjs, Hardhat, Open Zeppelin, Twitch Developer ToolKit


Revolutionising the comment section one NFT at a timeIPFS, OpenZeppelin, TypeScript, MongoDB, nextjs, Hardhat, Twitch Developer ToolKit


Engagement platform for DAOs to make them great again!Solidity, React,, TypeScript, Vite, Colyseus

Panda Wallet

Where Web3 meets the Lazy!React, Hardhat, chakraui, ether.js, EF: Account Abstraction, EIP 4337


DeFi app to borrow stable coin in exchange for ETHSolidity, React, TypeScript, Hardhat, Ethers, vitejs


Decentralised Social Media DappSolidity, IPFS, Hardhat




  • Honeywell - Software Developer
    May 2022 - June 2022
    • Worked on a auto Tuning PID controller that used QLearning to set Kp, Ki, Kd values in a HVAC setting
    • Ran tests using their Niagara workbench and checked for accuracy of the corrections from the rl model
  • BusinessOnBot - Software developer
    April 2021 - July 2021
    • Brainstormed and built features with the entire Team to launch version 1.0 of the product’s
      dashboard leading to the deployment of 11 Instances of the Product for Client Companies
    • Conceptualised and deployed campaigns feature to send whatsapp messages to in bulk
    • Built the transcripts feature for agents to refer back to after whatsapp business’ 24 hour window
    • Proposed and implemented Angular resolvers to personalise ui experience for each client
    • Created a Global notification system for pending live chat requests
    • Spearheaded UI move to Angular Material from Bootstrap to speed up front end development
  • Hashstack - Software Developer
    August 2022 - December 2022
    • Setup integrations for MySwap, Yagi and JediSwap
    • Liquidations of integrated dApps upon hitting liquidation limit
    • Implemented the DIAL (dynamic interest algorithm) in cairo
    • Solved critical indexing issues in core lending logic
    • Setup Next Js frontend and migrated codebase from create-react-app
    • Wrote tests in Protostar to ensure core functionality of the smart contracts are in place
    • Launched testnet on Starknet with a user base of 7119, and Total Value Locked of $356 Million
    • Ported protocol tests from Hardhat to Protostar
    • Gave a talk about Under Collateralized Lending and the role of Hashstack at StarkCon PUNE