
Useful alerts and announcements of COVID-19 on your Whatsapp

The problem WhatsCovid solves

The COVID-19 updates and important announcements are available on internet but the sources are variable and some are not authenticated. So we have gather all the authenticated sources approved by Government of India and send that information after a certain time interval. The alerts that we are sending includes information about the current cases of coronavirus in different states and tweets from government officials about coronavirus and also we are sending the list of hotspots (red zone) in a major cities of India which will be very helpful for the people as they can check their locality before going anywhere whether its safe or not.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Twilio Authentication while hosting the website to heorku: Twilio doesnt allow its Auth Token to get public and when we hosted our website than the token got public so it twilio revoked the token so we faced some issues in resolving it.
  2. Auth0 implementation with Django was a bigger challenge for us. All the call back urls need to handled carefully.
    3.PyCOVID Package provides details of all the country of the world but not provides the details of a perticular country states so we have to search for an api which provides all the states wise details of India.
