
WhatsApp Assistant that can autoreply your incoming messages, organize your documents and conduct group poll. It also performs Remote Access with which we can control our Desktop system from anywhere.

The problem WhatsAI solves

WhatsApp is one of the most widely used Social Media Network that is used for both Professional and non-Professional purposes. Daily tons of messages and documents are sent and received by us. So we needed a system to manage all this chaos.
Many a times a situation can occur when we need to talk with more than one person at a time, in such a case we usually give our attention to one while others get ignored. So it can autoreply to unread messages and save important information for us and can set reminders/meetings if others ask us to meet at some time.
During exam times, we send and recieve PDFs of notes and papers of different subjects which soon become a headache to look into and search for them. The Assistant checks for duplicate files and auto downloads PDF, and organizes it based on it name (Keeps in separate folder according to subject). This helps us manage our files very easily, as all our study material is segregated according to their subjects.
It can create a poll to automate this task. As a discussion in a group can be be very time consuming and a headache. It sets a time for poll wherein members can cast their votes. The Assistant then ends the poll and shows the results in graphical manner.
Lastly the Assistant can help us manage our Desktop systems by accessing the system remotely. Today we can perform secure remote access within a private LAN and if we need to remotely access our systems in public IP we will require third party services. So we have come up with a solution of using whatsapp messages as system commands for accessing all the files and making any change we desire

Challenges we ran into

Reading unread messages
Maintaining the BotPage where all the incomming messages get seen by default
Automatic storing data in structured way
