
We aim to teach those who've spent their lives teaching us.

The problem TeachUs solves

TeachUs is a community by teachers, for teachers.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced both students and teachers alike to rely on online resources to learn and teach. For many teachers, this shift has been far from pleasant.
We aim to connect educators across India to come forth and teach each other how to shift to the online mode of education.
We offer many courses and resources to make their journey in online teaching as smooth as possible. We have created a community for teachers where they can share their thoughts and views regarding anything and everything - be it the latest tool to conduct pop quizzes, or the best tool to conduct meetings virtually.

TeachUs aims to teach those who have spent years teaching us :)

Challenges we ran into

We faced issues in integrating the Dialogflow bot and how to make the chatbot experience smooth. After reading up more on how the intents work exactly, we were able to make it work. Our biggest challenge has been the deployment though. We deployed our app on Render, however it's not working the way it does on our local systems.

Kindly look through the video presentation to view a demo of our application, or run it on your local system :)
