stAVL - Avail Liquid Staking Tokens

Simplified participation in Avail Staking 😌

The problem stAVL - Avail Liquid Staking Tokens solves

There are multiple problems it solves:

Liquidity Provision : Liquid staking token allow users to stake their tokens and recieve staking rewards accruing to the value of the staked amounts while also retaining the liquidity of their tokens. This addresses the issue of locking up assets for staking tokens.

Interoperability : Leveraging micro-rollup enables interoperability between different networks. The tokens are bridged from the Avail testnet to Ethereum sepolia and can be even bridged to any desired chain.

Security : Using the micro-rollup actually improves security by adding an extra layer of verfication and validation. Every actions from bridging to burning is pessimistically verified by the Vulcan ensuring zero discrepancies. Also Stackr micro-rollups settle on DA and L1 ensuring the data is always available and can be reconstructed.

Better Yield Generation : The stAVL token is available on Ethereum and can be used to swap with any other token and invested into any yield generating or lending/borrowing protocol to generate yield while still the tokens locked into Avail staking substraits.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenges I faced were around the polkadot library, as it very different from how evm works and lack of resources around it's functionalities.

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
