Speculation Station

Speculation Station

Telepathic Tinder for Shitcoins using EEG Brainwaves to control a Ethereum wallet to effortlessly speculate on shitcoins using Autonolas, 0x, Arbitrum and Lukso

Built at ETHDenver 2024
0x: Most Innovative Prize

The problem Speculation Station solves

In a world where data is power, individuals' brain scan data can easily be considered highly important and personal.

We believe that the space very rarely looks at accessibility in regards to how products are built and delivered. This inclusive approach enables anyone to be able to

A fair platform where individuals with physical disabilities can engage with the digital economy on equal footing.

Challenges we ran into

There was significant challenges when trying to use pre-compiled transactions in order to deliver the project.

Dependency hell was also encountered, and getting the data stream from the headband was very challenging.We additionally were rate limited by 0x who were kind enough to increase our limits.

We prepare all of the transactions in advance such that we can submit them much faster. This is likely why we were rate limited

Tracks Applied (4)

Impact & Public Goods

In the evolving landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi) and accessibility the project's innovative approach leverages ...Read More

Simplify DeFi with 0x APIs

0x Swap API Integration: used for executing swaps and getting quotes for different tokens. It's a bridge between the dec...Read More


Best DeFi Project

We deployed initially to Arbitrum, along with mainnet in order to take advantage of the low gas prices. We are hoping th...Read More


Build a dApp using Universal Profiles

LUKSO Universal Profiles Integration: used for creating a unique digital identity on the blockchain for each user, enhan...Read More


Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
