Scrabble Chain

Play Learn and Win !!

Created on 4th May 2020


Scrabble Chain

Play Learn and Win !!

The problem Scrabble Chain solves

We have made an online web based multiplayer Scrabble game which is based on using Tezos. Here players have to register themselves and create a wallet. As a joining bonus player are given 10 tezos to any player who joins. Matching will random and player will start playing the game and both teams start by any amount of tezos as bid and the winner takes the total amount. The players have to recharge their wallet to play more games and to bid more and win more.

Challenges we ran into

We faced many challenges as being beginners also because of first time participation in Blockchain hackathon. Firstly we were struggling in placing html elements after many researches online usng documentations of html,css,bootstrap and little javascript and tries we were able to resolve positioning problem,currently we are struggling using APIs and open source code for our project and we are still working towards improving our quality of project. We have used a open source code with MIT lisence for scrabble.py. The scrabble game we used for this project has many confusing codes and so we have faced many problems while understanding the code and to make the code to be used in sync with our wallet and to make it a better place for player to play. We have the terminal based scrabble game but we couldn't prepare the UI for that.


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