
Sangarodhak - One app to make your quarantine life easier!

The problem Sangarodhak solves

The app is intended to solve problems almost everyone is facing in this lockdown.

-Get Real-Time Stats of Corona Virus spread ( Countries, States, and Your District ).

-Get Info and Updates from different organisations regarding Coronavirus.

-Order Grocery Items directly from your app.

-To help others, contribute to PM Cares Fund through different payment apps.

-And ofcourse since almost everyone is getting bored at their home, we have created some fun activities to use your time and may be learn too.

Challenges we ran into

For challanges we ran into we would say making app more user-friendly and self-guided was one of the most tricky things to do.
Others challanges would include creating those Satisfying Activities as everyone has different taste and trying to support most devices without compromising on features.
And as always, the bugs are taken care of by Google Search, Stack Overflow and Android Documentation!

Technologies used
