Project Buterin

Compete with solidity developers to write the most efficient smart contracts

The problem Project Buterin solves

Project Buterin is a community of solidity hackers who are interested in writing the most efficent solidty code. Project Buterin consists of a practice and competition platform where hackers can submit solutions for problems listed in platforms. The submissions would be ranked based on the least gas used to execute test cases. Companies can post problem statements and test cases along with bounty. Hackers compete to write the most efficient solution and the hacker with the least gas used solution win the bounty by company. Platform also includes a practice judge where hackers hone their solidity skills and get rewarded with hackerCoins whenever they reach top in the leaderboard. This hackercoins can be used later by companies as well as hackers to submit more questions or competititons to our platform. 1)For Developers : Learn to write the most efficent solidity code by practising on our Judge Compete with other hackers and earn Prize money and hacker tokens Contribute back to the community by writing practise problems and weekly competetions. 2) For companies : Get your smart contract written by the world's most efficent solidity hackers Conduct hiring challeneges to hire the World's best Solidity hackers

Challenges we ran into

  1. Deploying a contract from another contract and sending some ether to another contract. Arjun is a nice mentor and helped us on this. 2)Collecting total gas consumed by a contract in local ganache network. 3) Faced problems while working on rinkeby test network as well as with infura. Figured out finally.

Technologies used
