Periods for Everyone

Menstruation - A Taboo No More.


Periods for Everyone

Menstruation - A Taboo No More.

The problem Periods for Everyone solves

Periods for Everyone is an inclusive product which extend it's viabilities for everyone out there, be it a man, be it a woman; this product offers something for everyone. The problem it sticks around is how we can break down the existing biases and stigma around Menstruation by creating a self-sustainable one stop all eco-system. It serves the purpose of being relatable and easily accessible for the user case scenario.

The product relies on the nature of Helping and thus comes up with an inherited feature by virtue of which we can help woman in need while menstruating. The help me - help someone feature provides an inherent way to be more vocal and apprehendable about Periods. This also somes up with an additional benefit of earning some exciting reward points to encourage people contrbibute more.

Periods for Everyone comes up with a lighted feature of having a Discord Bot- MenoBot specifically developed during this hack to make the issues resonate with the Youth and dwell upon with local awareness using its discrete commands. The product solves the existing problem to include a specific Male Corner, to know and change a man's perspective about Menstruation.

In all, the product challenges the conventional norms and proves to be a sustainable ecosystem for everyone.

Domain Name - menoperiods.co

Challenges we ran into

We have had a rough time implementing different user-interactive features for the Discord Bot using Python. Other than that, implementing the project was difficult for us for the given time-span.
