There is a multitude of systems that operate with middlemen. These middlemen often stand in the middle of people who need help and people who are to help. In the spirit to cut out the middle link and directly connect people, I have built this hack called PeopleHelpPeople.
- Defeat the purpose of a central body of collective data management.
- Transparent transactions of the funds
- Privacy of the donor/signer
Problem Space
With the help of blockchain, the project leverages public records and peer to peer engagements. So let's say I would like to do donate a certain amount to those in need. Here are the following challenges that one might face:
- Not being able to directly interact with those in need and understand their situation
- Despite the well established NGOs who claim to help those in need. We still are sceptical about the usage of our funds
- While registering on these websites, we are often pestered by the agents which make us feel uncomfortable about donating in the first place.
- Transparency: By making the transaction records transparent, we can monitor where our funds are being spent. In the future, the system is expected to have a holding contract that requires votes from the donors to make decisions on the fund
- Trust: Instead of somebody else creating a listing, we encourage local community leaders to directly step in and create a listing on the platform. They wouldn't have to worry about managing funds, unlike banks tokens are minted and handled on the chain.
- Support: In the future, there is a plan to incorporate an attention reward system for users who view the listing. This is to incentivise the crowd to spread the word.
P.S. The Whatsapp forwards saying "Send this 100 people and 1$ will be donated" myth could actually come true in nearing future.
Almost everything was a challenge to me. With no knowledge of how blockchains and smart contracts work. I dived into the KOII ecosystem a week ago. There weren't any blogs or tutorials to follow through. Pretty much a couple of example repos on GitHub by the KOII team and basic docs of SDKs.
Despite knowing this is a lot to take in for one hackathon, I dived in anyways. Special thanks to Al Morris CEO of KOII who answered my queries on discord. Without him giving access to some yet to be released private repos, I probably wouldn't have made it :D