peer tuning ai

on-chain peer review for instruction tuning LLMs with better reasoning -- make AI accessible and transparent

The problem peer tuning ai solves

  • transparent, collaborative, trusted ai
  • reputation system for authors and reviewers
  • AI has higher quality due to higher quality data -- you are what you eat

Challenges I ran into

partnership tutorials are not working

Tracks Applied (10)

Deploy your EVM smart contract and build on-chain extension to enhance it

Background: instruction tuning is what made LLMs useful high-quality data is 10-100x better ROI than hiring general labe...Read More


Connect the world with Chainlink

randomly mixing the order of reviewers so that same people don't always get the same Background: instruction tuning is ...Read More


Public Goods Funding Platform

Background: instruction tuning is what made LLMs useful high-quality data is 10-100x better ROI than hiring general labe...Read More


Protect your users from hacks scams & theft with Harpie’s API

reviewers and aouthors need to be checked Background: instruction tuning is what made LLMs useful high-quality data is ...Read More


Pioneer Novel Confidential dApps

built private voting for reviewers Background: instruction tuning is what made LLMs useful high-quality data is 10-100x...Read More

Inco Network

Best Attestation App with Verax

for data creators, reputation is more valuable than money Background: instruction tuning is what made LLMs useful high-...Read More


Best NFT App with Phosphor

for data creators, reputation is more valuable than money an easy ux for nft allows that Background: instruction tuning...Read More


Unleash your creativity with MetaMask SDK

Metamask sdk allows for an amazing user experience in web3 for authors and reviewers. Background: instruction tuning is ...Read More


Integrate Story Protocol in your dApp (General Track)

nft for approved data Background: instruction tuning is what made LLMs useful high-quality data is 10-100x better ROI th...Read More

Story Protocol

Open: Most creative BUIDL using the XDC Network

Background: instruction tuning is what made LLMs useful high-quality data is 10-100x better ROI than hiring general labe...Read More

XDC Network

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
