
Park anywhere and everywhere, legally!

The problem Park.ai solves

We make it easy to Park & Go!

• On any given working day approximately 40% of the roads in urban India are taken up for just parking the cars.
• Tremendous pressure on parking spaces have led to serious concerns like traffic congestion, accidents, disproportionate demand and supply ratio, environmental hazards etc.
• Pollutants like oil and grease are washed off from the parking lots into the water bodies during the rains. The pollutants contaminate the water table and are also responsible for urban heat island effect. The pollutants it emits causes health
hazards and may cause respiratory and cardiovascular damages.

Guess what? It removes all the above and many more!

Challenges we ran into

• We faced many challenges while making this app among one of them was rasberry pi scripts and libraries since we are from sem1 we had some difficulties some how we learnt and tried to implement it and been sucessfull in it .
•Made the app responsive.
•Time Constraints.

Accomplishments that we are proud of:

•Presetation details.
•Made UI of the website looks wonderful.
•Maintained Github.
•Developed the skill of working in a team.

Technologies used
