
Peer-to-peer atomic swaps for exchanging an ERC-721 with another ERC-721

The problem nftyswaps.com solves

Currently users have to do direct transfers or use a centralized third party when exchanging NFTs, which is based fully on trust of the other party and does not offer any escrow services. NFT collectors can now use our interface to view ERC-721s in other Ethereum wallets, create & view offers for swapping assets and execute the transaction if they want to accept. The goal is to have an atomic escrow system to facilitate the transfer of NFTs that is decentralized and allows for a trustless exchange to take place.

Future plans include accessing ERC-1155s, as well as ERC-20s to help sweeten the deals. Another feature would be to utilize multiple blockchains (Matic, Flow, etc) and facilitate transfers of NFTs across all chains.

Challenges we ran into

Cameron - first time creating a smart contract, so a lot of headaches around transaction debugging and getting a proper architecture to work (needed to start over after intial contract was not working properly). Got over it by drinking a lot of coffee and partner coding with Maurice to make each other laugh by sending funny videos & good music to each other when frustrated.

Maurice - this was my first time creating a Dapp from the ground up. Implementing Web3 to work with server-side rendering (using Next.js) and functional React components was more of a struggle than I had initially anticipated. After hours of jamming out with Cameron on veertly and looking for different solutions, I stumbled upon the use-wallet library from Aragon which sent me on my way.
