Created on 3rd April 2022
The problem MerkleWrite solves
This is a Decentralized content sharing platform made on top of ipfs, Defi, and Ethereum. Nowadays content creation is centralized and is subject to changes or partiality by the site owners. To support the content creators and provide them with equal rights and profits, merkleWrite is made!
In merkleWrite you can write a blog with images and markdown content. The users will need to pay 1 DAI as a subscription fee for 30 days to see the content. The DAI token(ERC20) from user's are then sent to Compound for generating Interest(In the Form Of CTokens). The Dai Taken and Interest generated are then equally divided between content creators who has Likes more than specified limit(Currenlty set at 10). You can transfer Subscription to other ethereum address, get paid once in a month and update your profile's to let world know you! The Best part Is All is Decentralized. The platform is deployed on the Matic Mumbai test net and the wallet is Portis wallet
Challenges I ran into
A there was no dai on matic testnet it was tough to find how to test erc20
Keeping things asynchronous and making system consistent between local database and blockchain network was a tough task
A there was no dai on matic testnet it was tough to find how to test erc20
Keeping things asynchronous and making system consistent between local database and blockchain network was a tough task