Local Mart

No more waiting in lines, just zoom to your store at assigned slot! This project aims in reducing the time people spend outside. A portal that allows customers to order from nearby stores.

Created on 21st June 2020


Local Mart

No more waiting in lines, just zoom to your store at assigned slot! This project aims in reducing the time people spend outside. A portal that allows customers to order from nearby stores.

The problem Local Mart solves

This Covid-19 pandemic has caused a lot of trouble for almost everyone. This has caused a great impact on the economy. If we dive deep into the economy we will realize that a huge amount of it is dependent upon retail shops. And because of Lockdown people couldn't go outside and purchase the stuff. This put an impact on all the small and big businessmen who are in the field of product manufacturing. There were no sales, so no manufacturing loss to laborers, companies stopped advertising on tv channels loss to them too and several others. We can clearly see the impact of shops not being able to operate on the economy. And moreover, this will be continued for a while to stay safe. This could be solved if there was a platform that could have helped us by delivering the products on the doorstep. Solving this problem, our platform shows you nearby shops, the products available to them (updated by the business owner from the admin panel). And implementing the delivery methodology used by food delivery sites i.e by hiring delivery guys to deliver the products we would be able to make the shops fully functional keeping in mind about the lockdown.

Besides, we also managed to develop a bot that can suggest nearby shops (based on google maps API0, but it doesn't necessarily show the shops that are registered in our database. We have optimized it enough to be sure that the shown shops are not closed due to lockdown.

Challenges we ran into

Getting the dashboard to work flawlessly in the limited time was one of the greatest challenges for us. Besides that, we had a lot more minor challenges that we overcome easily like UI elements and its placements, dynamic filtering and sorting.


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