
A platform to ask questions and get answers working completely on ethereum blockchain. A tool to solve the problem of ignorance.

Created on 17th February 2020



A platform to ask questions and get answers working completely on ethereum blockchain. A tool to solve the problem of ignorance.

The problem LinkedChain solves

The goal of this project is to reduce the gap between what people know and what actually is required in real world industries.
Some of the tasks for which it can be used are described below:

  1. With LinkedChain students can get advices from real professionals which can help them a lot to build their career.

  2. People who are stuck in a problem can ask from experienced people how to solve that particular problem.

  3. College students can ask questions from professional people woking in real world industries about how to get internships or jobs in a particular field.

  4. Fresh graduates have lack of skills required in real world which is not entirely their fault - "You don't know what you don't know". With LinkedChain those fresh graduates can ask questions and get answers directly from people who have experience in that related field. LinkedChain can help them to know what should they exactly have to do to get a good job.

  5. LinkedChain can also be used to make some good amount of money by answering to other people's questions. For eg. developers who have face some issue or difficulty can help newcomers to solve that particular isse and earn some money on form of cryptocurrency.

  6. The EthSupport program in Linkedchain can help people to raise funds for their projects and tasks.

  7. Deepfake Protector program of Linkedchain can be used to solve the problem of deepfake videos or documents.

  8. Linkedchain can help people to overcome the problem of ignorance and get boost in thier life.

Challenges I ran into

The following were some hurdles that I ran into while building LinkedChain Project:

  1. Tranferring the tip amount to the right author.
  2. Providing simple and easy to use interface using React js.
  3. Providing all authors an avatar for thier address using identicon.js package.
  4. Providing security in EthSupport crowdfunding program by enabling permission checks for manager and contributers.
  5. Transfering data to IPFS by using ipfs-mini package.
  6. Developing the smart contract for LinkedChain was quite complicated. I had to use nested structures and mapping working all together.


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