
HealthHub plans to guide people lead a healthy lifestyle by helping them plan healthy meals under the guidance of health coaches and gamifying exercise!

The problem HealthHub solves

Why HealthHub?

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted just about every aspect of ordinary life — and diet and exercise routines are no exception.

Work-from-home, remote learning, and public health guidelines for gyms and fitness facilities that include capacity limitations, cleaning protocols, mask wearing, and social distancing has changed how, when, and where we exercise.

Meal planning for a family, a challenge on its own, can be more so now with seclusion at home, more people to feed with different tastes, and more food stores with limited groceries and shopping times. There’s also the uncertainty of bare shelves, with normal staples of a nutritious diet unavailable, at least temporarily. It’s tempting to buy whatever is available, even if it’s not something that’s part of your normal diet which can throw plans for healthy eating out the window.

What we help with

  • Goals
    Your first step towards a healthy lifestyle is setting two goals. The first goal is your target number. Once you've set this goal, next is to figure out your deadline. Be realistic about them.

  • Exercise Plan
    Exercise at a local gym, go for a jog or try those workout videos at home! However you choose to exercise, a great way to help you stay focused on your goal is to use a fitness tracker.

  • Eating Right
    In addition to your new exercise routine, you will also be changing your diet. But don't think of it as dieting, you will simply be forming new and healthier eating habits.

Key Features

  • The Healthy Recipe Guide: A list of curated recipes based on your ingredients
  • Lifestyle Tracker: Track your steps, calories, etc with the lifestyle tracker
  • The Healthy Bot: Clear your doubts about anything health or fitness related
  • Retrospective Journal: A safe space to express and analyse your emotions
  • Health Coaches: To guide you on your fitness journey
  • Community Corner: To Interact with the HealthHub users

Challenges we ran into

Challenges we ran into

  • It was the first time using third party APIs.
  • Making the site mobile responsive
  • Integration of the google fit API
  • Implementing the chatroom with socket.io
  • Integrating Zoom with the project since it requires a paid account. We gave coaches the option to enter the link of the meet link instead
  • We had problems with the google calander API and hence we had to create a manual POC for now

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Successfully integrated Google Fit, Google Dialog flow and Spoonacular API with the application
  • The UI of the application looks amazing
  • Good team communication
  • Maintained best-practices for our Github repository and code

What we learned

  • We learned the ins and outs of using express.js and how the MVC works in express.
  • We learned how to integrate mongodb and use its mongoose functionality for saving to the database.
  • Project management with Github
  • Using Axios for API calls
  • Using socket.io to create a real-time messaging feature was also something that we learned.
  • Using various google cloud services
  • Learnt how to create an AI bot!
