
Cuz' staying fit is not a game : )

The problem GoFit solves

Currently, we all are stuck inside our homes and it's hard for people to exercise or work out. Staying physically healthy is the most important thing right now in this covid situation.

On top of this, you keep procrastinating to get up from the bed and then never actually work out. Staying healthy and fit shouldn't be this hard.

That's why we made, GoFit!

GoFit is subway surfers like game where you control the player by actually jumping, moving left and right in your real world.

Trust us, It's super fun to spend time on the game while also getting your workout done. Entertainment and health together!

How it works?

GoFit is a game where you strap your phone on your arm. Stand in front of your laptop with the GoFit website open. A game starts playing on the laptop where your character is running and obstacles are coming from the front(similar to Subway Surfers). You have to actually jump, turn left and right to control your character.

The phone strapped to your arm records your movements and sends it to the game in real-time.

Challenges we ran into

There were two main challenges we ran into, firstly working with three.js was relatively difficult for us, because none of us have never worked with it before. As everyone else, we had to dig up a lot on the internet, stackoverflow, github, codepen, since the three.js documentation was not that easy to get used to.

The second most difficult challenge we faced was with calibrating the accelerometer, gyroscope sensor readings to differentiate between jump, left movement, right movement etc. but after lots of testing, hit & trials on lots of different devices, we were able to come up with a solution for this.
