
A decentralized crowdfunding platform that accepts crypto (DAI) to kickstart projects. We are charging 0% fees and the governance of the overal platform shall be managed by the crowd as a DAO.

The problem FreeFund solves

The current top crowdfunding platforms are all:

  1. charging fees
  2. not accepting cryptos
  3. centrally owned, managed and intransparent

We are changing all 3 aspects with FreeFund:

  1. 0 fees
  2. projects can be supported in crypto ETH or DAI
  3. DAO governance

Challenges we ran into

Generating a dedicated, secure escrow account for each project is not as easy as expected.
DAOs in general have huge issues in participation, due to high gas costs. We can either build on top of an existing DAO provider like Aragon, DAOstack, DAOhaus, etc. or build our own DAO contracts. It makes a lot of sense to move the DAO mechanism to xDAI or Matic in order to drastically reduce tx costs and increase engagement.
