
Convert any text/image of a text to a video containing the narration of the entire text as well as relevant images of the text, henceforth making the reading task interesting.

Created on 31st March 2019



Convert any text/image of a text to a video containing the narration of the entire text as well as relevant images of the text, henceforth making the reading task interesting.

The problem EduVid solves

The major problem solved by our project is making the learning process interesting. Let's take an example of a person preparing for IAS exam. He/She has to keep up to date with the latest current affairs, hence, they have to read newspaper articles, history books etc. more often. We all know how boring and difficult it is to read and retain all the information. Our product makes this task a lot easier. All you have to do is to take a picture of the text or its pdf and upload it on our portal and it will automatically be converted into a video containing the narration of the entire text as well as relevant images of the text, hence making the learning process more interesting and enabling the person to grasp the concepts and information more quickly.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenge we ran into was to get relevant images of the text given by the user. So, to overcome this we used LDA model. It is a statistical model in Natural language processing, which groups similar text together and hence find the topic of the that text. After finding the topic, we pass the topic as a query to the file responsible for scraping google for the images. Another challenge was to improvise upon the rendering time, for this we limited the number of images to be downloaded per topic to 2, which can be increased or decreased as per the requirement


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