In this busy world, finding time is hard and corporations take advantage of this lack of time by charging you on a monthly basis. Deflix provides a pay-as-you-watch functionality along with easy streaming license management using ERC-721 based NFT tokens.
For consumers:
- On Average a person watches around 4 hours of television per day but all the current streaming platforms charge you on a daily/monthly basis. This means you end up paying for more than what you are consuming.
- All the major platforms charge you by showing their huge amount of video library but how many can you actually watch in a lifetime? Why pay for things which you will never even get time to watch.
- No crypto? We use Portis which means you can easily perform transactions even without being in the crypto ecosystem.
For Distributors:
- We present an easy-to-manage streaming license management system. Each of the movies has its own NFT token and can be traded.
- Revenue streams automatically get redirected if you buy/sell your streaming license.