
**b** ( **e** **t** h )

Getting your roommates to do chores is impossible. Introducing b ( e t h ): a game that augments the process of creating, assigning, and doing chores with digital, autonomous, task governance.

The problem b ( e t h ) solves

b ( e t h )

A minimal, productivity-focused, task sharing tool with incentive mechanisms to encourage collectives to get tasks done. View the product.

How do you do Chores?

Have you ever had an awkward house meeting trying to decide how to handle chores? Or a passive aggressive roommates leaving instructions everywhere? Perhaps you've gotten into a spat friend who didn't do their dishes!

Delegating and deciding on tasks is difficult enough! The complexities of relationships make this worse. Let b ( e t h ) handle delegating and deciding for you - no need to trust, read the code yourself!

Focus more on doing and togetherness rather than creating power dynamics and formalities where it feels best not to have them.

The Rules:

  1. Use b ( e t h ) to create a house and invite your friends.
  2. Create daily, weekly, or monthly tasks by voting in ideas and collaboratively editing them to suit your home.
  3. Pool funds for each set of tasks with ETH, get assigned tasks inversely proportional to the total ETH your put in.
  4. For each time period, do your assigned tasks and earn ETH for completing them.
  5. When you complete your tasks, you are then given access to take ETH from roommates by completing their tasks.


  1. Earn money: do Chores.
  2. Save time: pay roommates to do more chores for you.
  3. Have fun: compete with roommates, "steal" their ETH, let b ( e t h )'s randomness cause chaos.

Challenges we ran into

3/4 of us had never built on Ethereum and started with just a high-level understanding of Ethereum prior to working on this project. Most of the week was spent learning from our forth teammate about Ethereum and building a baseline project which we could work off.

Each of us had time commitments to university and class throughout the week!

We had initally used an old app template that we found on GitHub which later gave us huge issues when we were trying to build the project. As a result, we were forced to scrap the technologies and start over ~24 hours before the end of the event.
