AnyVerify - Your Friendly Wallet Verification Tool

A decentralised & easy to use Discord-Metamask Verification Tool to enable projects to interact with project stakeholders more closely.

The problem AnyVerify - Your Friendly Wallet Verification Tool solves

The Discord Metamask Verification tool is a simlple and easy to use tool for people to verify the ownership of their wallet and link their Metamask wallet to a Discord Account. This proves to be a major tool for DAOs and projects that want to build a strong community around the stake holders of the project and ensure that their say actually has a weight.

This tool might seem somewhat like Collab.land! However, this project aims to solve the shortcomings of Collab.land + make some cool improvisations.

  1. Make data ownership go back into the hands of people - In collab.land, data from all projects is stored in one database. So Any project can access wallet information of users on any other server. Through this project, I aim to have one database for every project, therefore giving the power of ownership of data, back into the hands of people. People decide whether they want to get themselves verified for a particular server and only that server on Discord can access wallet information of this user.

  2. Multi-chain support - Supports every EVM Powered Chain unlike Collab.land (which supports hardly 6-7 chains totally)

  3. Allows project owners to determine which block and when to take snapshots rather than allowing the bot to take autosnapshots. Based on the holders at that snapshot, members on Discord who are also holders get a role in the server to grant access to private channel. This way, this also acts as a snapshot tool for projects who want to airdrop something to their holders.

- I explain in detail the problems in this video. Skip to 3:26 to check the demo out!

Challenges I ran into

The main problem I ran into was while trying to give out roles through the Discord bot. Discord's role management system is quite twisted and confusing and I had to go through various articles to figure things out. Finally I was able to solve it by updating the role hierarchy.

Another issue was that Discord recently made updates to its developers portal where there was a certain intent that had to be set to true without which the Bot wouldn't function. Since no articles covered this, it took me a while to figure things out.
