ZK Compression

Toolset for compressing data and proving the correctness of compressing with zk proofs.

Created on 18th September 2022


ZK Compression

Toolset for compressing data and proving the correctness of compressing with zk proofs.

The problem ZK Compression solves

The project allows you to compress data and in some cases, it's a great optimization. And you can prove compressing with zk proofs. In combination with other technologies, it can be very useful. A good example - rollup. Our tool can make rollups much cheaper. Especially zk rollups which publish storage transitions can be cheaper by 30% or more!
Of course, you can use it every time when you want to compress data but need to prove that you did it correctly.

Challenges I ran into

I did research on how storage transitions are stored. And there are a lot of ways to compress some data depending on its specificity. I did a lot of tests to make the algorithm really effective and provable in ZKP at the same time.

Technologies used


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