We made a Website using CSS,React JS for front end and we have used Firebase for the backend. We also created a mobile application by using flutter for front end and Firebase for backend of the app.

The problem ZEROWASTE KITCHEN solves

The modern era of high standards has led to fast food and restaurant chains dumping a large volume of food every day. This includes items that are leftovers from the day's inventory or near their expiry date but still safe to consume. This leads to a significant amount of food wastage, which indirectly contributes to the increasing global warming.

Ignoring the issue of food wastage and its impact on the environment is not an option, especially considering the significant population that goes to bed hungry every night. With this in mind, we decided to use technology to tackle this issue by creating a mobile application and website to resolve the problem of food surplus management. The primary aim of this solution is to reduce food wastage.

The mobile application and website serve as a platform for people in need of food, referred to as "consumers," to connect with fast food and restaurant chains or supermarkets, referred to as "providers." Providers can list the excess food stock left over from the day and provide relevant details such as food name, image, age, and expiry date, which can help build trust with the consumers regarding the safety of the food. This solution ensures that food that might have gone to waste is put to good use by providing it to people who need it.

The whole process of maintaining the website and application is managed by the admin, who is responsible for ensuring the smooth exchange between the provider and the consumer. The admin verifies the providers by going through their identification details and accepting or dismissing them accordingly.

One of the primary objectives of our service is to provide delivery of the food to the consumers. However, it may not always be possible to implement this due to various logistical challenges. In such cases, our services act as a medium of communication between the providers and consumers. This ensures that the food is not wasted and reaches the people who need it the most.

Challenges we ran into

We were very clear of ou objectives and expectations from this project right from the beginning.
We had planned out several functionalities which were to be implemented in this project.
We tried to implement most of them but due to time constraints we weren't able to implement all of them.

Now talking about the challenges that we faced,
Talking about the Mobile Application:
1)We wanted to implement the google maps feature in our app so that we could let the provider set the location and the consumer would be able to know about the providers location in its nearby area.
We initially faced some bugs in the imoplementation of the google maps api in the app but eventually were able to overcome it by referring to some youtube videos and going through some blogs on the internet.
2)We wanted to set the location of the providers which could be visible to the consumer but we weren't able to do so due to the time constraints.
3)We also wanted to implement the donation and feedback feature in our project,while we didn't implemented the donation feature but we did implement it on our website.
4)Designing of the website was also one of the challenges but with the co-operation of the team we were very easily able to design the features of the app and the website.

  1. Implementing Animations using pure CSS was a completely new learning for us which we weren't well versed with earlier but we eventually were able to implement it
  2. We faced a lot of minor bugs in linking of backend with front end and smoothly runnning it but by going through various documentations and videos we were able to solve those.
