
ZeroBeginner is a project containing the list of my contributions during SSOC program.

The problem ZeroBeginner solves

In the program, I contributed in 2 projects which are ZeroOctave-Javascript-Projects and Webeginner-projects. I worked on 4 issues where i added some new features to the existing projects and built projects from scratch too using HTML,CSS and JavaScript.
The issues i worked on are:

  1. #189 Prefix and postfix expression evaluator
  2. #813 Redesign Spotify Clone
  3. #233 Google Keep Clone
  4. #881 New features in Myntra Clone

Challenges I ran into

  1. The biggest challenge for me was to overcome my fear of JavaScript. In order to do that i chose projects where i get to built websites from scratch. Since this was my first time working with javaScript, even working with event listeners was hard for me but i learnt in the process of creating the projects.
  2. While building 2 clones of the popular websites such as Google keep and Spotify, working with flexbox and responsiveness of the websites was tough task for me and it took me little longer than expected time to learn.
