Zen Tech

Zen Tech

Disconnect To Reconnect

Created on 10th December 2023

Zen Tech

Zen Tech

Disconnect To Reconnect

The problem Zen Tech solves

It promotes digital well-being inthe community. It helps people maintain real-time and digital-time balance. It helps people connect and spend time with their family. We have implemented various ways through which we can achieve this. Some of them are :
-> Collecting blogs from users regarding their experiences
-> Maintaining a community forum for people to discuss their experinces
-> Making a screen time tracker to implement screen control
-> Organising various parental webinars
-> Giving people one-on-one expert sessions for personalized experience

Challenges we ran into

  1. Collecting data from users for their personalized experience
  2. Implementing a client-to-client community forum using WebSockets
  3. Using Elecron.JS for screen control
  4. Influencing professionals to give personalized sessions

Tracks Applied (2)

Social Good

It promotes digital wellbeing and helps people connect

Open Innovation

It is an open innovation wherein the problem statement is chosen by us.


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