

Thank you for the apple, Doctor!

Created on 13th August 2023



Thank you for the apple, Doctor!

The problem YourMedic solves

It saves patients from wasting their important time while waiting in queue for a doctor's appointment for small health issues. They can be completely open about their health issues which they are normally shy to talk about with real human doctors. Very small health issues that people ignore, maybe symptoms or indicators of dangerous diseases that stay dormant in the patient, which end up saving lives.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into an ethical issues dealing with patient's sensitive medical data which they want to keep private to them only. To solve it we decided not to keep records in our database and only store the data in temporary memory which gets cleared when the user logs out.
Since we are still learning about the new technologies we were implementing, we came across various bugs and errors. The major one of those bugs was the face of the 3D model was not rendering and we had to rewrite a major block of code to resolve it.
The delay between the input and the feedback was way too long, then we had to upgrade our GPT engine and optimize our code to decrease the delay to a suitable time for the user to have a decent experience.

Tracks Applied (5)

Most Creative Use of GitHub

YourMedic, masterminded by our team, shines as an exceptional showcase of GitHub's potential for collaborative and innov...Read More

Major League Hacking

Auth0 Track

YourMedic integrates Auth0, an identity and access management platform, to provide safe and easy user authentication and...Read More


Best Use of APIs

An innovative project called YourMedic combines the three.js, node.js, react, and azure APIs to produce an interactive h...Read More


Medical Track

YourMedic, crafted by our team of second-year students who embarked on their programming journey just six months ago, em...Read More

Beginners Track

Our team of second-year students, who only started programming six months ago, created YourMedic as evidence of our quic...Read More


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