

Your Gateway to advanced medical facilities.

The problem MediTour. solves

New technologies like interactive maps and clear digital signs are transforming hospital navigation. Some hospitals are even using AR/VR for virtual navigation. These innovations aim to save time, reduce stress, and improve the overall hospital visit, accessible through both an app and web platform.

Challenges we ran into

Creating clear, lightweight, and realistic AR models can be a challenge, especially when integrating them seamlessly into web and Android platforms. However, with the right tools and techniques, it's entirely manageable. By leveraging modern development frameworks and optimizing asset sizes, we can achieve both clarity and realism without sacrificing performance. With a bit of creativity and problem-solving, we can turn this challenge into an exciting opportunity for innovation and growth in the AR space.

Tracks Applied (1)


In our future vision for MediTour, we see the integration of APIs as a cornerstone of our platform's evolution. By harne...Read More

